How Norton Antivirus handle different Ransomware Versions Successfully?

Ransomware has a number of versions, with the demand for ransom being the key thing that ties them. In 2017 a few attacks were reported on the institutions that were hit by the ransomware only, however the goal was not about the money. The ransomwares were designed for spying or some other sort of cyber-attack.

Norton Support
How Norton Antivirus Support handle different Ransomware Versions Successfully?

 Norton Support team provided information on its complete types. 

  • Crypto-malware – This is the most renowned version of ransomware termed as Crypto ransomware; as the name reveals, this is the version that encrypts the files completely. One can still log in to the computer, but opening of the files is not possible. WannaCry is heard by everyone is the type of this ransomware only.
  • Locker – As the name suggests, this ransomware locks a user out of its PC entirely so that one can’t login. The Petya ransomware is the major version of Locker, that was identified in 2016 and haunted people again in 2017 with more advanced features. It uses the locker method by encrypting the hard drive’s master file to lock the device.
  • Doxware – This download a copy of the important files to the attacker’s device, and then threatens to reveal the files publicly if ransom money is not given to them. Imagine someone bullying to post personal photos, videos and other files on a public website for the people to see. Ransoc ransomware works on the doxing technique. One can secure itself by taking the guidance from the experts of the Norton Antivirus Support
  • Scareware - Scareware is a forged software application that reveals to have analyzed issues on the computer device and asks for money to resolve them. Scareware might flood your monitor with pop-ups and vigilant messages, or it might lock up your device until you pay them.

One of the motives why ransomware has turn out to be such a popular kind of malware is that it’s easily accessible online for threat creators to use. Norton has revealed that around one-third of all upcoming ransomware are basically originating from the existing ransomware. Also, hackers are regularly updating their software app to advance their ransomware and enhance their encryption capabilities, so a specific ransomware might appear a number of times, like the Petna ransomware.

Meanwhile the attacker’s last objective is to spread the ransomware to several machines as possible for making quick money, an alternative ransom method has appeared. Popcorn Ransomware, simply asks the victim to infect other two users. If both infected users pay the ransom amount, then the original target will get his or her files back, without any ransom money.

Norton is a popular app that can guide a computer user to be secure from any online or offline attack. Such antivirus is important for the Pc users that use internet and send data on frequent basis. One can be sure of safety with the installation of Norton Antivirus. However, if experience trouble with ransomware then contact Norton Technical Support


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